Black Milk Clothing Merbarbie Leggings

BM Merbarbie legs

If Barbie lived under the sea...or if she evolved to be a snow mermaid in a post-apocalyptic world? I teamed up with fellow blogger, Cheri Sundra, to make this review more fun!

Wednesday January 22 2014


I’ve wanted Black Milk leggings for about a year now and I’ve been eyeing up their Limited Edition Merbarbie leggings since they first announced they were being released. As I got some Christmas money and saw the stock of these leggings dwindling, I decided to place an order instead of living in regret.

BlackMilk leggings

Product pictures and (leg) selfies are fine, but I also wanted better photos to capture such a shiny masterpiece of nylon. Therefore, I teamed up with fellow blogger, photographer and urbex partner-in-crime, Cheri Sundra. We already had a trip to  Concrete City planned and Post-Apocolyptic Snow Mermaid seemed like an interesting concept for a mini photo shoot.

Merbarbie Graffiti

Snow Merbarbie

Rubble Mermaid

Pom-pom rainbow hat: Betsey Johnson. Sweater: The Limited. Boots: junky ones for exploring in snow.

How amazing are Merbarbie leggings?! From some angles they look pink, from others they have a rainbow shine (both in photos and in person.) They’re comfortable, composed of  80% Nylon and 20% Elastane. Not into mermaids or pink? Black Milk leggings are available in soooooo many colors and designs (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Adventure Time.) This Australian company also makes dresses, skirts, and more!

Merbarbie leggings

Last week when these bad boys were delivered, I put on my mermaid-y Gothic Lolita Wig, took a pic on my iPhone and posted it on Instagram.Instagram Little did I know Black Milk would share it a few days later causing my phone to blow up with notifications. I had an unexpected ’15 minutes of Instagram fame’ when my photo racked up over 18,800 likes. (Little old me? Crazy!)

SJSC Instragram

Not only do I recommend checking out BM’s website, if you’re interested in abandoned places, photography or history, I highly recommend taking a trip to Cheri’s Guerrilla Historian blog and her Flickr. She has explored so many neat places and captured amazing photos! Her eBook “Welcome To The Zombie Hotel Sterling” is also available on Amazon.

Concrete City


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