Off-Topic Thursday- Empire State Building

Empire State Building

On my last trip to Manhattan, I went in the Empire State Building for the first time. I thought it was amazing and wanted to share some photos I took. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday October 25 2012

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I love New York City and I’ve been trying to go every few months. On this last trip, I went in the Empire State Building for the first time. I thought it was amazing and wanted to share some photos I took. (Click images to view larger.)

Being on the 86th Floor outdoor deck is breathtaking! You get a 360 degree view of New York while being 1,050 feet above the city streets. On a clear day, you can see up to 80 miles in every direction. If you ever have a chance to do it, I highly recommend it.

Have you ever been to the Empire State Building before?


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Hello, I’ve nominated you for Liebster award! It’s origins are kind of a mystery, but it’s basically a way to network and showcase indie bloggers! Here’s my post that nominates you:

Enjoy and good luck!

CoriDecember 3, 2012

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