Philosophy Sweet Kisses & Merry Wishes Set


I got this set as a Christmas gift and just wanted to shared my opinions on it.

Thursday January 19 2012


I got this set as a Christmas gift from my boyfriend and figured I’d do a quick review on it. (A little late, I know.) This was a set sold exclusively at Sephora. I know it’s sold out on Philosophy and Sephora’s websites, but your local Sephora may still have a few? Or if you want to purchase it after reading this review, maybe look on eBay or Amazon. If you can’t find it, sorry!

This set is called Sweet Kisses & Merry Wishes. It is 4 lip glosses and 4 shower gels/shampoos/bubble baths. It was sold for $36 and says it’s a $70 value. I definitely think it was a good value for the price because I believe philosophy lip glosses are normally $10 each.

Here’s what I think of each scent/flavor…

Sugar Sprinkles Funnel Cake is definitely my favorite out of this set. It smells so good and both the lip gloss and shower gel are pink and shimmery! You know I love anything pink and shimmery!

Peppermint Bark smells mostly chocolatey, but with a little peppermint. It smells like what it’s supposed to. This is a great holiday scent.

The Pomegranate Bubbly shower gel is just purple. It has a fruity, bubbly, shower gel scent. It’s actually a little strong, but smells good. The lip gloss is shimmery and more of a pinky red, than purple.

The last one in the set is Old Fashioned Egg Nog. I actually really like this scent. I’m not sure that it smells like real egg nog, but it smells good. The shower gel is white and the lip gloss looks yellow, but comes out clear.

Overall Thoughts:

The lip glosses are full size and I do like them. The shower gels are much smaller than if you purchase one individually. If you have Sephora’s birthday gift, which is a Philsophy shower gel, these are a little smaller than that.

I’m happy with this set! I’ve been using the shower gels, they make lots of lather!  They are supposed to be multi-purpose, but I don’t like them as shampoos.

Philosophy products can be a little pricey, so I definitely recommend trying to get a set like this if you can.

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