February 2015 Birchbox

Birchbox YoureMyFavorite

Well, we're two boxes into the year…See what samples were inside mine. Did you get any full-sized goodies?

Wednesday February 11 2015


Holy smokes, it’s already time for my February Birchbox…

February2015 Birchbox

And oh my gosh, this box is adorable. It might be my favorite packaging to date, I just love the bright orange and fuchsia.

Birchbox YoureMyFavorite

Instead of focusing on the romantic aspect of February, Birchbox decided to make it about celebrating friendship and favorites. Here are the favorite samples they sent me.

JuicyCouture HollywoodRoyal

Sometimes I get sick of perfume samples, but for the most part I am a perfume junkie with a fairly excessive collection so I’m not mad about getting a sample of Juicy Couture Hollywood Royal. Oddly enough, last February Birchbox had also sent me a Juicy Couture sample and I ended up purchasing the full-size.

TheBalm ReadMyLips BAM

TheBalm BAM

I recently ordered a few theBalm products when the brand was on Hautelook so I was happy to see theBalm Read My Lips sample to add to my collection. I received a coral color called BAM!

PaulasChoice SkinPerfectingExfoliant

Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant is an interesting product. Exfoliants usually involve water, but this is a leave-on exfoliant that you apply with a cotton ball. It’s supposed to wipe away impurities and even though it contains Salicylic Acid it’s for all skin types.

Gilchrist Soames Shower Gel

I also received Gilchrist & Soames London Collection Shower Gel. I’ve never heard of this brand and wasn’t really in need of another shower gel so this sample is a bummer.

Parlor Salt Spray

The last sample I got was Parlor by Jeff Chastain Moisturizing Sea Salt Spray. I use sprays like this almost everyday during the summer, so I’ll just hang onto this until then.

Overall, this month wasn’t uber exciting, but I suppose it could have been worse. If you’ve somehow never heard of Birchbox, you can learn more about the subscription service here.


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