Summer Dresses Under $20

summer dress 1 again

Some cute bargain dresses I found for summer!

Saturday June 16 2012


I LOVE wearing dresses during the summer! Throw them on and look cute with little effort. Plus, they’re comfortable and cool on scorching hot days.

I recently bought 2 xhilaration dresses at Target and thought I’d share. The ones I bought are actually the same, just 2 different patterns/colors. They were on sale for $17. They’re fun patterns and have pockets! I love dresses that have pockets.

My photos aren’t the best, but I didn’t want to not have any. My son actually took these for me<3

Some other stores that are great for having summer dresses under $20 are Forever 21 and Wet Seal.

If longer dresses are more your style, this maxi dress from Forever 21 is only $15.50!

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