500 ‘Likes’ Giveaway! [CLOSED]


In honor of reaching 500 ‘Likes’ on Facebook, I’m having a VERY long overdue giveaway!! Giveaway ends August 9, 2012.

Wednesday August 1 2012


In honor of reaching 500 ‘Likes’ on Facebook, I’m having a VERY long overdue giveaway!!

This giveaway is not sponsored or associated with Facebook. This is a thank you to all my supporters. All prizes from sponsors are pictured below. I will also include goodies from me!

 Nikory Bath Treats

Dawn Eyes Cosmetics

Lucky 107 Cosmetics

A Life Deliberate Soap Co.

Simply Sweet Skin


Technical stuff…

I will do my best to ensure items do not get damaged on their way to the winner, however I cannot control weather or the postal service. I am not responsible for any damage that my occur after it leaves my hands. I will provide a tracking number for the package as proof that I sent it.

I have not opened or used any of the prizes. I am not responsible if you misuse products or have allergies, etc.

How To Enter:

1. Please ‘Like’ my Facebook page, www.facebook.com/SkinnyJeansSippyCups This giveaway is not associated with Facebook, but I will post the winner on Facebook (as well as on here) since most people tend to check that often. By liking my Facebook page, you are more likely to see that you are the winner in case you don’t check your e-mail often.

2. You need to leave a comment on this blog post as your entry. Post a comment in response to this question: “What was the best beauty/fashion/parenting advice you ever received?” You don’t have to answer all 3 parts, just one piece of advice. This way you can enter the giveaway and gain some knowledge! (Please use your Facebook same as your name when commenting on this post.)

3. One winner will be random, chosen by a WordPress plugin I have installed. It chooses a winner from the comments on this post. It also deletes duplicate entries (determined by e-mail.)


Open internationally! (Make sure all the prizes are allowed to be mailed into your country. I can’t help you if your package gets stuck in customs and you never receive it.)

Must be 18 years of age.

One entry per person please.

I must receive the winner’s address within a week of them being announced the winner or I will choose another winner. Send address to adrienne@sjscblog.com

Giveaway ends August 9, 2012 at midnight EST. Entries August 9th and prior are good, August 10th is too late!

**All comments on this blog have to be approved first, so don’t worry if your entry comment doesn’t show up right away. I will of course approve all the giveaway comments (unless they are inappropriate.)**

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to e-mail me at adrienne@sjscblog.com Thanks!


Teach your children by example (and be patient)!

LisaAugust 10, 2012

The best beauty advice I got was to forgo the hair dryer at least twice a week. My hair has definitely thanked me :)

Congrats on 500 likes…I like you too :)

Les JohnsonAugust 9, 2012

Best parenting advice I ever received was to never wake a sleeping baby. SO TRUE! Nick is now 2 and I still follow this “rule”. Congrats on 500 likes!

Heather CostanzoAugust 9, 2012

Best advice I’ve ever received is: less is more.

JenniferAugust 9, 2012

Best advice is to wear what fits your shape. Being large up top makes it hard to just wear “anything”.

Alicia albertsonAugust 9, 2012

the best parenting advice I ever received would have to be not to pay attention to most advice given to you, oh and no two children are the same. =)

BritneyAugust 9, 2012

The best beauty advice I have received was to always always wear sunscreen! It keeps your skin looking healthy and reduces wrinkles! :)

Jessica Flarida UsherAugust 8, 2012

Best beauty advice: Use eye cream every day. Small amount and dab from the outside of the eye to the inside. It has kept me looking young (I’m 28 and recently I was asked what grade of high school I was in).

Katye RossAugust 8, 2012

The best beauty advice I’ve been given is to not be afraid to break any makeup rules; rock your makeup however you like, there will always be haters out there and their negativity is a waste of time :)

Angela GuerraAugust 8, 2012

Congrats on 500 likes! Thank you for the opportunity! ?

Best parenting advice ever received is to cherish my kids. They are 1 & 5 & growing ever so fast. My Granny always says to hug them tight & not stress over tantrums or bad stages because they’ll be grown up and over it before I realize. So very true too!

Trisha SchexsnayderAugust 8, 2012

Best piece of advice was from my Great Gramma Vi. She would tell me: ALWAYS wash your face before going to bed and NEVER share makeup. I follow her advice every day! RIP Gramma Vi <3

Chrissie HaydenAugust 8, 2012

The best advice I received to be your self! Never let any beauty/ fashion trend over shine who you are! Not every trend works for everybody! Thanks for the opportunity! :)

Angie BrovoldAugust 7, 2012

The best beauty advice that I ever got, which of course I wasn’t doing at the time, is to worry about face products (moisturizers, serums, etc) before makeup. Regardless of the makeup you use, it will always look 100 times better if you take care of your skin first! It is the only skin you have. If you spend 20 bucks on one eye shadow, spend 40 on a moisturizer that will last a long time and benefit and/or protect your skin!!!

AngelaAugust 7, 2012

Best beauty advice I ever got was, less is more. There’s really just no need to pile on product for day-to-day life- save it for photoshoots or whatever ;)

BeccaAugust 7, 2012

Best parenting advice I have received is don’t be too stuck to your baby’s routine. Feed them on the go, have them nap in the car seat or stroller if you happen to be out. Having a routine is great but don’t be a slave to it. It teaches your child to be flexible bc sometimes, plans change :-)

Chelsea Davis SlusserAugust 6, 2012

I have to say the best beauty advice I’ve ever gotten has been to not skip skin care. I did for a long time, and I used makeup to mask the skin imperfections I had. Now that I’ve invested time in my skin routine, my skin is better, therefore makeup isn’t as necessary to make my skin look better. :D

Congratulations on reaching 500 likes! :D

Samantha BAugust 5, 2012

Best parenting advice is to never be too quiet around a sleeping baby. Both of my kids can sleep through anything because I have some sort of noise in the background.

Christina ScheibAugust 5, 2012

Best advice, hmmm. I guess among some of my top best has to include some along the lines of “love the skin your in”, Love yourself. Love your body! It applies to every other good piece of fashion and makeup advice ive ever been given. Such as dressing to fit your body type, I cant wear everything on my pear shape, but I dress to fit it, and play up my lush booty and thighs, or wear something flowy and flouncy on days i want to cover up.

The day I made peace with my body shape was the day all the doors opened up for me in the fashion world.

Brandy LashAugust 1, 2012

Best parenting advice I’ve gotten – No matter how crazy your day was follow a bed-time routine and spend time with your kids before bed. Every-time I rush it or don’t follow the routine because I’m tired or whatever the kids don’t sleep well and it makes everything worse. :) Thanks for the chance! Congrats!

ClassAct RachaelAugust 1, 2012

Best beauty advice I’ve ever received: using eyeshadow instead of brow pencil because it stays on better or warm lemon water every day for a clearer, more even complexion.

Miss you, Adrienne!

Erin RobinsonAugust 1, 2012

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