Nails of the Week- Neon Paint Splatter

How To Paint Splatter

I haven't done a 'Nails of the Week' post in quite some time, but I tried out something new and wanted to share. I got some inspiration from pinterest and gave paint splatter a shot.

Wednesday June 12 2013


I haven’t done a ‘Nails of the Week’ post in quite some time, but I tried out something new and wanted to share. I’ve seen a lot of paint splatter nail art on Pinterest and despite my nails being short, I gave it a try.

Neon China Glaze

I wanted a summery and fun look. I chose to use 3 bright China Glaze polishes that I already own over white.

Splatter Nails-How To

After painting the base color, I surrounded my nails with scotch tape for an easy clean up. I cut a straw into smaller pieces and then poured some of the nail polish on paper. Next, I dipped the straws into the polish making sure the hole was covered. The most important step, a quick blow to splatter the polish onto my nails. I finished the look with a clear top coat.

How To Paint Splatter

Believe it or not, blowing the polish out of the straw was the most difficult part. Sometimes it just didn’t work and sometimes it would be more of a blob than a splatter. You only have to do it lightly, but quickly. I read somewhere to blow like you’re saying “too” and that tip actually helped.

Paint Splatter Nails

 This was only my first attempt at paint splatter nails so it’s not perfect, but I’m happy with it. I’d like to grow my nails longer and try this again with different colors.

Neon Paint Splatter

Have you ever tried paint splatter nail art?


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